utils module
- class utils.AS14_test(one_side=False, n_boot=10000)[source]
Acerbi-Szekely test for assessing the goodness of the Expected Shortfall estimate, with both Z1 and Z2 statistics, as described in:
Acerbi, C., & Szekely, B. (2014). Back-testing expected shortfall. Risk, 27(11), 76-81.
The null hypothesis is H0: Q, E are the correct (latent) quantile and expected shortfall estimates for the observed time series Y.
- one_side: bool, optional
if True, the test is one sided (i.e. H0: mu >= mu_target). Default is False
- n_boot: int, optional
the number of bootstrap replications. Default is 10_000
Example of usage
import numpy as np from utils import AS14_test y = np.random.randn(250)*1e-2 #Replace with price returns qf = np.random.uniform(-1, 0, 250)*1e-1 #Replace with quantile forecasts ef = np.random.uniform(-1, 0, 250)*1e-1 #Replace with expected shortfall forecasts theta = 0.05 #Set the desired confidence level # Compute the Acerbi-Szekely test with Z1 statistic AS14_test()(qf, ef, y, test_type='Z1', theta=theta, seed=2)
- __call__(Q, E, Y, theta, test_type='Z1', seed=None)[source]
Compute the test
- Q: ndarray
the quantile estimates
- E: ndarray
the expected shortfall estimates
- Y: ndarray
the actual time series
- test_type: str, optional
the type of test to perform. It must be either ‘Z1’ or ‘Z2’. Default is ‘Z1’
- seed: int, optional
the seed for the random number generator. Default is None
- statistic: float
the test statistic
- p_value: float
the p-value of the test
- class utils.DMtest(loss_func, h=1)[source]
Diebold-Mariano test for the equality of forecast accuracy. The null H0: E[loss_func(Q1, E1, Y)] == E[loss_func(Q2, E2, Y)] is tested.
- loss_func: callable
the loss function to compute the forecast accuracy
- h: int, optional
the maximum lag to compute the autocovariance. Default is 1
Example of usage
import numpy as np from utils import DMtest, patton_loss y = np.random.randn(250)*1e-2 #Replace with price returns qf_1 = np.random.uniform(-1, 0, 250) #Replace with quantile forecasts of algorithm 1 ef_1 = np.random.uniform(-1, 0, 250) #Replace with expected shortfall forecasts of algorithm 1 qf_2 = np.random.uniform(-1, 0, 250) #Replace with quantile forecasts of algorithm 2 ef_2 = np.random.uniform(-1, 0, 250) #Replace with expected shortfall forecasts of algorithm 2 theta = 0.05 #Set the desired confidence level DMtest(patton_loss(theta, ret_mean=False))(qf_1, ef_1, qf_2, ef_2, y) #Compute the Diebold Mariano test (with Patton loss)
- __call__(Q1, E1, Q2, E2, Y)[source]
- Q1: ndarray
the first set of quantile predictions
- E1: ndarray
the first set of expected shortfall predictions
- Q2: ndarray
the second set of quantile predictions
- E2: ndarray
the second set of expected shortfall predictions
- Y: ndarray
the actual time series
- stat: float
the test statistic
- p_value: float
the p-value of the test
- mean_difference: float
the mean difference of the losses
- class utils.Encompassing_test(loss, n_boot=10000)[source]
Encompassing test to assess whenever the first sample of losses is statistically lower than the second. As described in:
Kışınbay, T. (2010). The use of encompassing tests for forecast combinations. Journal of Forecasting, 29(8), 715-727.
The null hypothesis is H0: E[loss(Q_new, E_new, Y)] >= E[loss(Q_bench, E_bench, Y)].
- loss: callable
the loss function to compute the forecast accuracy
- n_boot: int, optional
the number of bootstrap replications. Default is 10_000
Example of usage
import numpy as np from utils import Encompassing_test, patton_loss y = np.random.randn(250)*1e-2 #Replace with price returns qf_1 = np.random.uniform(-1, 0, 250)*1e-1 #Replace with quantile forecasts of algorithm 1 ef_1 = np.random.uniform(-1, 0, 250)*1e-1 #Replace with expected shortfall forecasts of algorithm 1 qf_2 = np.random.uniform(-1, 0, 250)*1e-1 #Replace with quantile forecasts of algorithm 2 ef_2 = np.random.uniform(-1, 0, 250)*1e-1 #Replace with expected shortfall forecasts of algorithm 2 theta = 0.05 #Set the desired confidence level Encompassing_test(patton_loss(theta, ret_mean=False))(qf_1, ef_1, qf_2, ef_2, y) #Compute the Encompassing test (with Patton loss)
- __call__(Q_new, E_new, Q_bench, E_bench, Y, seed=None)[source]
- Q_new: ndarray
the first set of quantile predictions
- E_new: ndarray
the first set of expected shortfall predictions
- Q_bench: ndarray
the second set of quantile predictions
- E_bench: ndarray
the second set of expected shortfall predictions
- Y: ndarray
the actual time series
- seed: int, optional
the seed for the random number generator. Default is None
- statistic: float
the test statistic
- p_value: float
the p-value of the test
- class utils.LossDiff_test(loss, n_boot=10000)[source]
Loss difference test to assess whenever the first sample of losses is statistically lower than the second. The null hypothesis is H0: E[loss(Q_new, E_new, Y)] >= E[loss(Q_bench, E_bench, Y)].
- loss: callable
the loss function to compute the forecast accuracy
- n_boot: int, optional
the number of bootstrap replications. Default is 10_000
Example of usage
import numpy as np from utils import LossDiff_test, patton_loss y = np.random.randn(250)*1e-2 #Replace with price returns qf_1 = np.random.uniform(-1, 0, 250) #Replace with quantile forecasts of algorithm 1 ef_1 = np.random.uniform(-1, 0, 250) #Replace with expected shortfall forecasts of algorithm 1 qf_2 = np.random.uniform(-1, 0, 250) #Replace with quantile forecasts of algorithm 2 ef_2 = np.random.uniform(-1, 0, 250) #Replace with expected shortfall forecasts of algorithm 2 theta = 0.05 #Set the desired confidence level LossDiff_test(patton_loss(theta, ret_mean=False))(qf_1, ef_1, qf_2, ef_2, y) #Compute the Loss Difference test (with Patton loss)
- __call__(Q_new, E_new, Q_bench, E_bench, Y, seed=None)[source]
Compute the test
- Q_new: ndarray
the first set of quantile predictions
- E_new: ndarray
the first set of expected shortfall predictions
- Q_bench: ndarray
the second set of quantile predictions
- E_bench: ndarray
the second set of expected shortfall predictions
- Y: ndarray
the actual time series
- seed: int, optional
the seed for the random number generator. Default is None
- statistic: float
the test statistic
- p_value: float
the p-value of the test
- class utils.McneilFrey_test(one_side=False, n_boot=10000)[source]
McNeil-Frey test for assessing the goodness of the Expected Shortfall estimate, as described in:
McNeil, A. J., & Frey, R. (2000). Estimation of tail-related risk measures for heteroscedastic financial time series: an extreme value approach. Journal of empirical finance, 7(3-4), 271-300.
The null hypothesis is H0: the risk is not underestimated.
- one_side: bool, optional
if True, the test is one sided (i.e. H0: mu >= mu_target). Default is False
- n_boot: int, optional
the number of bootstrap replications. Default is 10_000
Example of usage
import numpy as np from utils import McneilFrey_test y = np.random.randn(250)*1e-2 #Replace with price returns qf = np.random.uniform(-1, 0, 250) #Replace with quantile forecasts ef = np.random.uniform(-1, 0, 250) #Replace with expected shortfall forecasts McneilFrey_test(one_side=True)(qf, ef, y, seed=2) #Compute the McNeil-Frey test
- __call__(Q, E, Y, seed=None)[source]
Compute the test
- Q: ndarray
the quantile estimates
- E: ndarray
the expected shortfall estimates
- Y: ndarray
the actual time series
- seed: int, optional
the seed for the random number generator. Default is None
- statistic: float
the test statistic
- p_value: float
the p-value of the test
- class utils.PinballLoss(theta, ret_mean=True)[source]
Pinball (a.k.a. Quantile) loss function
- theta: float
the target confidence level
- ret_mean: bool, optional
if True, the function returns the mean of the loss, otherwise the loss point-by-point. Default is True
Example of usage
import numpy as np from utils import PinballLoss y = np.random.randn(250)*1e-2 #Replace with price returns qf = np.random.uniform(-1, 0, 250) #Replace with quantile forecasts theta = 0.05 #Set the desired confidence level PinballLoss(theta)(qf, y) #Compute the pinball loss
- class utils.barrera_loss(theta, ret_mean=True)[source]
Barrera loss function. Eq. (2.13) in:
Barrera, D., Crépey, S., Gobet, E., Nguyen, H. D., & Saadeddine, B. (2022). Learning value-at-risk and expected shortfall. arXiv preprint arXiv:2209.06476.
- theta: float
the target confidence level
- ret_mean: bool, optional
if True, the function returns the mean of the loss, otherwise the loss point-by-point. Default is True
Example of usage
import numpy as np from utils import barrera_loss y = np.random.randn(250)*1e-2 #Replace with price returns qf = np.random.uniform(-1, 0, 250) #Replace with quantile forecasts ef = np.random.uniform(-1, 0, 250) #Replace with expected shortfall forecasts theta = 0.05 #Set the desired confidence level barrera_loss(theta)(qf, ef, y) #Compute the barrera loss
- class utils.bootstrap_mean_test(mu_target, one_side=False, n_boot=10000)[source]
Bootstrap test for assessing whenever mean of a sample is == or >= a target value
- mu_target: float
the mean to test against
- one_side: bool, optional
if True, the test is one sided (i.e. H0: mu >= mu_target), otherwise it is two-sided (i.e. H0: mu == mu_target). Default is False
- n_boot: int, optional
the number of bootstrap replications. Default is 10_000
- utils.cr_t_test(errorsA, errorsB, train_len, test_len)[source]
Corrected resampled t-test for the equality of forecast accuracy. The null H0: E[errorsA] >= E[errorsB] is tested.
- errorsA: ndarray
the first set of forecast errors
- errorsB: ndarray
the second set of forecast errors
- train_len: int
the length of the training set
- test_len: int
the length of the test set
- stat: float
the test statistic
- p_value: float
the p-value of the test
Example of usage
- utils.gaussian_tail_stats(theta, loc=0, scale=1)[source]
Compute the Value at Risk and Expected Shortfall for a Gaussian distribution
- theta: float
the quantile to compute the statistics
- loc: ndarray, optional
the mean of the distribution
- scale: ndarray, optional
the standard deviation of the distribution
- var: ndarray
the Value at Risk for a normal distribution with mean=loc and standard deviation=scale
- es: ndarray
the Expected Shortfall for a normal distribution with mean=loc and standard deviation=scale
Example of usage
import numpy as np from utils import gaussian_tail_stats res = gaussian_tail_stats(theta=0.05, loc=0, scale=1e-2) #Compute the VaR and the Expected Shortfall print('VaR =', res['var'], ' ES =', res['es'])
- class utils.patton_loss(theta, ret_mean=True)[source]
Patton loss function. Eq. (6) in:
Patton, A. J., Ziegel, J. F., & Chen, R. (2019). Dynamic semiparametric models for expected shortfall (and value-at-risk). Journal of econometrics, 211(2), 388-413.
- theta: float
the target confidence level
- ret_mean: bool, optional
if True, the function returns the mean of the loss, otherwise the loss point-by-point. Default is True
Example of usage
import numpy as np from utils import patton_loss y = np.random.randn(250)*1e-2 #Replace with price returns qf = np.random.uniform(-1, 0, 250) #Replace with quantile forecasts ef = np.random.uniform(-1, 0, 250) #Replace with expected shortfall forecasts theta = 0.05 #Set the desired confidence level losses = patton_loss(theta, ret_mean=False)(qf, ef, y) #Compute the patton loss
- utils.tstudent_tail_stats(theta, df, loc=0, scale=1)[source]
Compute the Value at Risk and Expected Shortfall for a Student’s t distribution
- theta: float
the quantile to compute the statistics
- df: int
the degrees of freedom of the distribution
- loc: ndarray, optional
the mean of the distribution
- scale: ndarray, optional
the standard deviation of the distribution
- var: ndarray
the Value at Risk for the t-distribution
- es: ndarray
the Expected Shortfall for the t-distribution
Example of usage
import numpy as np from utils import tstudent_tail_stats res = tstudent_tail_stats(theta=0.05, df=5, loc=0, scale=1e-2) #Compute the VaR and the Expected Shortfall print('VaR =', res['var'], ' ES =', res['es'])